Monday, October 18, 2010

Lao Zi and Taoism

Hey bloggers, its Lao Zi here, just updating you on my day so far. Nothing new yet except for, ya know, discovering a new religon, no biggie. Had this awesome idea for a new book, which should provide good reading material for all the soldiers, seeing as its the era of warring states. All these mystics claim we're in something called 400 B.C. and someone importants gonna go down in 400 years. Its all really confusing and i dont believe a word of it. anyways, i think im onto something big here. My book's called Tao-te ching, and im trying to teach people about ying and yang, and harmony and all this good stuff. Its gonna talk about harmony in nature too, and my whole religon is literally going to mean "the way". its going to be awesome, at least until 500 A.D. when Buddhism takes over. well peace out i got work to do!
"Taoism." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 20 Oct. 2010.

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