Sunday, November 14, 2010

Columbus Leaves Spain

Today we have a VERY special guest, folks. He is the reason most of you are in your comfy American homes, and not in the crowded cities of Europe. Guessed who yet? May I introduce Christopher Columbus. Today, we are going to focus on how America was discovered, and how it influenced history. How did your trip begin?
C: My trip began with a thought. I believed the earth was predominantly land, and that Asia was fairly close to Western Europe. All someone would have to do is sale a small ways out from Europe, and you are on the other side of the world. The trade routes this would open up would be tremendous. Many people seem to think I was in it for the adventure. While I did enjoy that, I really just wanted the money and fame. When I first told the King of Portugal of my plan, and asked for funding for the trip, I was rejected. I then went to Spain and pleaded my case to Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand in 1492. They agreed to give me 3 ships and a crew.
How did your voyage go?
Well, we set off August 3rd, 1492. The voyage stretched my crew to its limits. On October 12th, we finally spotted land, after over 2 months at sea. We had arrived in the Bahamas, but at the time, I thought we had landed in India. I explored a few more islands, and left 40 men on the islands, and started back towards Spain. I made many other trips across the Atlantic, and established several colonies. After my 4th expedition, I came back to find Queen Isabella had died, and all support for me was gone. I died in the year 1506 with neither the fame nor power I hoped to achieve.
A lot has come of your discovery. It obviously started the settling of the Americas. It almost doubled the known world’s land. Something else came of your discovery though. The Native Americans already living in America were cut down by warfare, disease, and viscous settlers looking for land. I will also point out you did not first discover America; you were just the first to have it well documented. Nevertheless, you changed history. Tune in for my final interview.
Christopher Columbus
"Christopher Columbus." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 14 Nov. 2010.

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